Wind Quintet #1 "Medieval"
May 4, 2024 7:30PM at PSU Lincoln Hall Recital Rm 75
Played by the “Chameleon Winds”
An assurance that medieval life was not all drudgery. Four movements: 1. somnium, 2. Ancient summer, 3. The Old Guard and the Princess, 4. merriment. Total time < 10 minutes.
An Opera
Libretto by Margaret Trenchard-Smith. The First Aria “Te Ducam” will be performed by Gabrielle Widmam as Philosophy, Margaret Trenchard-Smih as Clio, and Kevin Lay playing the lyre-harp. June 11th at Eleventh Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University
Magic Cabinet
Art installation
Artists Bernell Loeb invited me to help create an immersive experience with chorus and electronics.
Cascadia Composers “May the Fourth Be With You”
I had a bit of fun introducing Cascadia Composer’s “May the Fourth Be With You” concert with a light saber.