• Wind Quintet #1 "Medieval"

    May 4, 2024 7:30PM at PSU Lincoln Hall Recital Rm 75

    Played by the “Chameleon Winds”

    An assurance that medieval life was not all drudgery. Four movements: 1. somnium, 2. Ancient summer, 3. The Old Guard and the Princess, 4. merriment. Total time < 10 minutes.


    An Opera

    Libretto by Margaret Trenchard-Smith. The First Aria “Te Ducam” will be performed by Gabrielle Widmam as Philosophy, Margaret Trenchard-Smih as Clio, and Kevin Lay playing the lyre-harp. June 11th at Eleventh Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University

  • Magic Cabinet

    Art installation

    Artists Bernell Loeb invited me to help create an immersive experience with chorus and electronics.